Mon - Thu: 9:00 - 16:00 | Fri: 14:00
Sat-Sun Closed

Passport (Extension Only)

Passport (Extension Only)

The issuance of a new passport is currently suspended, we will announce the issuance as soon as it starts.

Holders of previous machine-readable passports may apply for extension.

Visit Consulate section of Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Berlin in-person during official working hours to extend your computerized passport.

Bring the following required documents:

Original Passport (Only Computerized Passports are Extendable). Handwritten passports are not extendable.

Copy from the first page of the passport.
Proof of Address/Residency in Germany: Germany Identity Card (Personalausweis) and a copy of it.

The Consulate Section of Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Berlin charges a fee of 120 EURO for the duration of 5 years of the passport extension. The passport can only be extend for 5 years.

Fill out the Application Form (found here) and bring with yourself and present it along with the required documents at the Consulate Section of the Embassy when you are called into the queue. The Consulate Section staff will process and extend your passport and then will be sent by post to your address.

"If you do not posses a passport to renew and have been requested by German authorities to provide one, please apply for Bescheinigung accordingly."

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